the verge

what counts is i am not a victor- i am losing
but i’m writing it all down, all the chasing, the confusion 
all the bruises and the ruins
she can’t love me, okay- moving
on means going faster
(i avoided a disaster)
and i’ll stay up all night 
writing lines to make it matter Continue reading “the verge”

tip the scale

i’m not allowed to always feel safe, i know this, cherish it in that weird itchy-sweater-i-can’t-bear-to-throw-out-yet way. this is fine. we can’t always be picnics and long skirts and things that remind me of the better times, the nights i had no expectations of myself or you or anything, really. Continue reading “tip the scale”


i’ve got a bad case of writer’s block- all i can think about is you
there’s no plot to that

there’s tension, loaded silence, every damn thing i’m gonna do
when i get you alone,
but where’s the juicy violence?
your glock 19, your coke habit, your homicidal ex-lovers?  Continue reading “blocked”